Thursday, October 28, 2010

Losses That Aren't A Bad Thing

This has been a very strange week. In a way it was more stressful than last week.

I have put my friendship with Robert on hiatus. There are things going on in his life that I was becoming entangled with and I don't want that.

He's seeing someone that I think could be a charmer/abuser. She is the ex-girlfriend of a friend of his. He has chosen to date her despite his friend's discomfort. His friend said he was okay with it, but his actions indicate that he's not. Robert has chosen to overlook those actions and blame the friend for not being honest. In reality he's seeking a way to justify his choice of crossing a line, disrespecting a friend, and risk the loss of that friendship. It seems the woman matters more to him than the friend. He has been friends with this person for over five years.

The woman is moving at a very fast pace. They started talking on a romantic level at the end of August. She has offered to wear his collar (she's into the dom-sub thing) and would quit her job driving team with this friend and move to ATL. She is displaying many characteristics of a charmer/abuser and Robert is ignoring all the warning flags and caution signs.

I had to back off. I will not care about something more than he does. I also have to accept the fact that he thrives on drama and welcomes it. He will choose unhealthy choices rather than healthy ones. He wants to be loved or feel loved and will sacrifice his happiness to feel that. No matter how unreal the feeling is.

The whole thing came to a head after I had a date with a guy I am not going to go out with again. He is nice but we have vastly different views on life. He doesn't think men and women can be friends. Basically what he told me is that if there's no sex he doesn't find that women have a purpose. Not the ideal partner for me.

Crazy week but I made all healthy choices! I was very good to myself! YEA!

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